Considering California’s median home value is in the $600,000–$700,000范围, California 房地产经纪人s have great opportunities to earn money. 

Even if you don’t have clients from upper-tier markets, 加州活跃的买家和卖家数量庞大,这就产生了对具有不同价位和细分市场专业知识的房地产经纪人的巨大需求. 

在加州,房地产经纪人的平均工资因经验而异, 位置, and level of success. According to ZipRecruiter, 加州房地产经纪人的平均年薪约为85美元,000. 然而, California 房地产经纪人s can earn significantly more, even as a part-time 房地产经纪人. In competitive markets like Los Angeles or San Francisco, they have a very realistic chance of making a six-figure income. 

  • Your first-year marketing budget
  • Your broker’s reputation in your chosen market 
  • Your commission split with your broker 
  • Whether or not you have a mentor 
  • Whether you’re part-time or full-time 
  • Your contacts and your networking skills 
  • Which city you work in 
  • And your understanding of your local market and/or niche 

也就是说, a recent survey found that the average first-year 房地产经纪人 in California earns approximately $$66,334—a number that rises to over $104,000 between years four and ten of their career. 

加州的大多数房地产经纪人都不按小时计酬. 如上所述,他们的收入完全来自销售物业的佣金.  

虽然这意味着加州房地产行业的工资不能保证,也不能完全预测, 这确实意味着经纪人有一种独特的动力去努力工作,完成交易, meaning that you can have greater control over your financial situation. 

最近的一项调查发现,工作时间越长的房地产经纪人赚的钱越多,尤其是工作时间在40-60小时之间的房地产经纪人. So, you have some control over your financial picture. 甚至更好的, 调查发现,收入最高的人也是最快乐的经纪人, 不仅仅是因为收入,还因为看到努力工作得到回报的满足感. 

在加州,一些收入最高的房地产工作包括房地产经纪人, real estate developers, and property managers. 房地产经纪人有一个额外的许可水平,要求至少两年的全职房地产销售经验. With this higher licensing, added responsibilities, and often team management, brokers usually earn higher salaries than agents.  

房地产开发商也有潜力通过管理和投资房地产项目赚取可观的收入. 在加州,管理出租物业的物业经理也能获得有竞争力的薪水. 

Real estate can also be a part-time gig. 很明显, this means a lower potential income from real estate, 但这是一个很好的方式来补充其他收入或有一个灵活的工作,而你专注于其他项目, like pursuing education or turning to a new career.  

当然, 它的好处是,兼职工作可以让一个人体验房地产事业,而不会立即放弃其他收入来源. 从兼职开始甚至可以让你在转行之前更容易找到自己喜欢的利基和市场. 

而一个 兼职代理 probably won’t earn as much as a full-time agent, 你仍然可以通过佣金赚很多钱——你可以用一种适合你时间表的方式来做. To maximize your earnings, 你可能想要专注于特定的利基市场,比如豪华房地产, a particular neighborhood that you know well, or a certain population or demographic. 

Usually, a real estate broker earns more than a sales agent. 然而, just like a sales agent, their income depends primarily on sales commissions, 这意味着它可以像代理人的收入一样可变和不确定. 

也就是说, the median income is over $100,000, 对于那些希望提升自己职业生涯的经验丰富的经纪人来说,这是一个非常有吸引力的选择. 

然而, before you pursue this option, 考虑一下成为经纪人需要承担的额外责任和接受的教育. You’ll need at least two years of sales experience, complete eight required college-level courses, and pass the written exam. 在那之后,你可以向加州房地产部门申请获得许可证. 

Real estate brokers typically earn higher salaries than 房地产经纪人s in California. 而一个gents earn commissions on property sales, 经纪人也可以从向经纪人收取的费用中赚取收入,尽管经纪人也有额外的责任, such as usually overseeing a team of agents and other managerial duties.  

经纪人也有机会通过管理多个房地产交易和扩大业务来增加收入. 总的来说,这使得经纪人有可能获得比经纪人高得多的收入. 

加州房地产经纪人的薪水会因经验等因素而有所不同, 位置, and the size of the brokerage. 然而, 经营自己公司或管理代理团队的成功经纪人可以赚得更多. In competitive markets like Los Angeles or San Francisco, top-performing brokers can make six-figure incomes or higher. 

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